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Gummy Smile

What's Gummy Smile?

A gummy smile is a condition where excessive gum tissue is visible when you smile, which can make the smile look unbalanced or less attractive.

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What's The Procedure?

To correct a gummy smile, botulinum toxin injections are commonly used. The toxin is injected into the muscles of the upper lip to reduce their activity, allowing the lip to naturally cover more of the gums when you smile. The procedure usually takes about 15 to 30 minutes and involves minimal discomfort.

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You should see a reduction in the amount of gum exposed when you smile within a few days. The effects typically last 3 to 6 months, and any minor swelling or redness usually fades within a day or two.

The Ocean Clinic

Welcome! I'm Dani, and I'm delighted to introduce myself to you. With over five years of experience as a qualified aesthetics practitioner, I am passionate about helping individuals enhance their natural beauty and boost their confidence. I hold three science degrees, which provide a strong foundation for my practice. My home-based clinic offers a more relaxed and comfortable environment, where I can focus on providing personalised care to each of my clients.

What We Offer Here?

Gummy Smile

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Gummy Smile £150
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